Train with your Dog
Benefits for both your dog and you
Train with your Dog
Jump Dog came from a desire to see not only dogs get to play and perform at their best, but also build the bond between dogs and their owners. Our equipment is designed so that both the dogs and their owners to move in a way that generates health benefits for both. Jump Dog products provide; strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, balance & agility and obedience or human bonding training. They are for use in both home and commercial applications. We feel it is very important to provide your dog a product or series of products where they can workout each day have fun when you join them and push them, provide great exercise for the both of you!
“Training builds confidence, obedience and provides mental stimulation for your dog. It also builds an owner-pet relationship, thru bonding and building trust during this learning experience. Training can go beyond teaching basic commands to include agility training. Just like humans, exercise is essential to your dog’s health. The amount of exercise a dog needs will vary depending on their age, health and breed.”
8 Reasons Dog Exercise Is Important for Your Pup
By: Chewy Editorial
Whether you hit the gym every day or haven’t dusted off your estranged sneakers in months, you know it’s important to exercise. As you learned in health class, working up a sweat boosts your mood, slims your waistline and, along with the proverbial apple a day, keeps the doctor away. The same is true of dog exercise.
So why do so many of us forget this basic health requirement when it comes to our furry friends? Your dog needs exercise to be their happiest and healthiest selves. Here, find out why it’s important to make sure your dog is getting in his cardio and how you can be a better workout buddy.
- Exercise Combats Anxiety
There’s nothing like a spin class to clear your head after a stressful day at work. As the endorphins kick in, those feelings of restlessness and anxiety seemingly melt away (or at least take a back seat).
Similarly, exercise decreases anxiety in dogs, says Dr. Stephanie Borns-Weil, a veterinarian and clinical instructor at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Pet parents who ensure their pups are physically fit will be less likely to return home to a chewed-up couch.
“Because exercise decreases anxiety overall, lack of exercise can contribute to anxiety-based conditions,” she says. “More specifically, lack of exercise and mental stimulation can lead to attention-seeking and destructive behaviors.”
- More Activity, Less Aging
“While being old is not a disease, it is important to get advice from your dog’s veterinarian about how much exercise and what types of exercise are appropriate for an individual senior dog,” she says. “If a dog is stiff and has difficulty rising on the morning after a big romp, an owner may need to scale back or choose a different form of exercise.”
- Exercise Strengthens Your Bond
Not only did the weight come off—Montgomery dropped 140 pounds, while Louie lost four and saw his health improve—but their bond strengthened once exercise was an engaging, shared activity.
“It’s amazing to see that human-animal bond,” she says. “My attitude changed, and his attitude changed. Your best workout partner is your dog—they’re never going to cancel on you, they’re never going to complain.”
K9 Fit Club offers workouts tailored to humans and canines of all fitness levels, but Montgomery stresses that it’s easy to begin exercising with your pup.
“Anything you can do on your own, you can do with your dog,” she says. “Even just shuffling back and forth and moving sideways with each other—it’ll improve your balance and cardio.”
- Active Joints Are Happy Joints
“Doctors say a sedentary lifestyle is the new smoking, and it’s similar with dogs,” she says. “These are preventable problems.”
Before increasing your dog’s activity levels, Mossor suggests consulting with your veterinarian and, when out and about, thinking like a dog. For example, just because you love going for a long run on the beach doesn’t mean your Rottweiler will. Seashells can be painful on sensitive paws, and direct sun can quickly cause your big buddy to overheat.
- Your Dog Needs a Job
“Dogs like to have a job,” says Borns-Weil. “If a dog does not have a breed- and age-appropriate job, for example chasing a Frisbee, he’ll give himself a job, such as barking excessively at passersby or turning over the trash.”
The good news? His resume is already perfect.
- The Mind Needs a Workout
“Many of us haven’t taught our dogs anything new since they were puppies,” she says. “Can you imagine if you didn’t learn anything in your job after six months? You’d be so bored!”
Have a smarty-pants in need of a challenge? Consider enriching games such as flyball or agility courses.
- Good Play Means Good Socialization
“Exercise can and should be part of a whole program of exposure to other dogs, people, and environmental stimuli,” says Borns-Weil. “This is necessary for proper socialization, particularly during young puppyhood.”
Not only does a spirited romp at the dog park promote good doggie relationships, but it also ensures that puppies and young dogs receive the proper level of exertion. For most dogs, Borns-Weil says, a leisurely stroll around the block simply won’t satisfy their aerobic exercise needs.
- Exercise Leads to Obedience
If you wish your pup would sit and stay with more enthusiasm, the more interactive activity could be the key. When you spend time playing with your pup and teaching him new games, the relationship strengthens on all fronts and leads to more obedient behavior.
“What you’re doing is building trust, and that carries over into general obedience,” says Mossor